Sunday, May 31, 2009

TMR Salutes America's Number One Mass Murderer -- Rachel Carson

For those of you who can't quite place the name, Rachel Carson was an environmental activist best known for her work of fiction entitled, Silent Spring, in which she posited a world devoid of birds and wildlife because of man's use of pesticides.

That little work of fiction, which has become an anthem for the environmental lobby, single-handedly brought about the ban in this country, and throughout the world, of dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane, better known as DDT.

As a result of that DDT ban, more than 50 million people, mostly impoverished third world children, have died from Malaria.

And sadly enough, it was all a lie.


Anonymous said...

The wikipedia article gives more detail and balance to this issue. DDT is used today to control mosquitos in restricted situations.
S. A.

hdhindsa said...

I agree that the article is a bit inflammatory...good advice to check the wikipedia article...

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