If you find the posts below a bit depressing, please take the time to see the new Pink Panther movie with Steve Martin. Our entire family was laughing throughout the whole movie, as were most of the people in the theater...
what were you and the audience smoking? this was a major letdown, and while martin seems clearly the best modern day heir to sellers he was handcuffed by horrific writing and overboard sight gags. The art of subtlty in film has been lost, and this bomb is a great example. C-, thumbs down, and man sleeping in his chair....
what were you and the audience smoking? this was a major letdown, and while martin seems clearly the best modern day heir to sellers he was handcuffed by horrific writing and overboard sight gags. The art of subtlty in film has been lost, and this bomb is a great example. C-, thumbs down, and man sleeping in his chair....
Okay...one thumbs up and one thumbs down....
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