Monday, November 29, 2010

Aging Ills Reversed in Mice

Scientists Tweak a Gene and Rejuvenate Cells, Raising Hopes for Uses in Humans

Scientists have partially reversed age-related degeneration in mice, an achievement that suggests a new approach for tackling similar disorders in people.
By tweaking a gene, the researchers reversed brain disease and restored the sense of smell and fertility in prematurely aged mice. Previous experiments with calorie restriction and other methods have shown that aspects of aging can be slowed. This appears to be the first time that some age-related problems in animals have actually been reversed.
The reversals of age-related decline seen in the animals "justify exploration of telomere rejuvenation strategies for age-associated diseases," the paper concludes.



Anonymous said...

كنت مؤخرا قد جاء عبر بلوق الخاص بك وكانت القراءة على طول. ظننت انني سوف يترك تعليقي الأول. أنا لا أعرف ماذا أقول إلا أن لقد استمتعت القراءة. نيس بلوق.

Anonymous said...

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