Wednesday, September 07, 2011

That buzzing in my ear didn't mean I was about to die

Seth Godin gets it...Today is End Malaria Day and he is making an impassioned plea for us all to do something to help saving lives (in many cases children's lives). It's as simple as buying a bed net. For anyone who has spent any amount of time in Africa, South East Asia or any other malaria infested areas, you know how crucial bed nets are, not only for a good night's sleep, but also for disease prevention from mosquitoes!

Six weeks ago, at midnight, I found myself awake but wiped out from jet lag. I was in a lumpy bed, in the dark, in an obscure, $20 a night, John-Waters'-esque former country club. I was in Kitale, Kenya, near the Ugandan border.
A mosquito was buzzing in my ear. (Why do they buzz in your ear?). I had meds, of course, but what if I didn't? What if, like so many who live here, I had kids and no money for medicine?
Try to imagine that for a second before you click onto the next thing you've got on your agenda for today.
Today is End Malaria Day.
Right this minute, right now, please do three things:
  1. Buy two copies of End Malaria, an astonishing new book by more thansixty of your favorite authors. In a minute, I will explain why this might be the most important book you buy this year (not the best book, of course, just the most important one). You should buy one in paperbacktoo so you can evangelize a copy to a colleague.
  2. Tweet or like this post, or email it to ten friends (It only takes a second.)
  3. And, visit the End Malaria Day website and share it as well.
What would happen if you did that? What would happen if you stepped up and spent a few dollars?
Here's what would happen: someone wouldn't die.

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