Sunday, September 16, 2007


Dr. Fatima from Zaria brought a picture of this young lady to the Nigerian Ophthalmologic Society for a consult:


Anonymous said...

?leprosy (off the cuff).
S. A.

Anonymous said...

Looks a lot like burn injury too
S. A.

hdhindsa said...

Excellent pickup on the burn injury!!
She had a burn injury in infancy involving the left eye. However, she is now complaining of visual difficulties in the right eye.
Leprosy is a good thought as well!!!
However, this is not leprosy.
Here is a clue, our brilliant pediatric ophthalmologist, Linda Laurence, picked it up right away...
If that doesn't help, I will have another photo posted shortly that will probably give it away...
But strong work so far!

Anonymous said...

Congenital glaucoma?
I give up!
S. A.

Freeze said...


waardenburg syndrome.

fuchs heterochromic iridocyclitis.

congential horners.

hdhindsa said...

Freeze, it is one of the three you have mentioned...

Unknown said...

did't see this pic before I answered.

So, who thinks Van Gogh had Waardenburg's? He paints many of his self protraits with heterochromia, and he did have mental illness (associated with the syndrome) and there are only two photos of him, the only one I have seen is from the back...

hdhindsa said...

Did he have hearing loss?

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