Monday, September 03, 2007

The weekend

We had a busy, culturally enriching weekend and made many further connections with our hosts here. I don't have time at the moment to detail them all as I need to refine a uveitis talk to be given later today. Today is the opening of the Nigerian Opthalmologic Society. Several hundred ophthalmologists from all over Nigeria are expected to attend.

Anyway, I can't wait to share a "walk to a waterfall," which turned out to be much more than that--in fact it was one of the most amazing experiences I have had in all my travels to Africa.

Meanwhile here is a quote (sorry--I can't remember the author at the moment) which rings true:

"Africa's not an issue. It's not a cause or a problem. It's a continent - a complicated, confusing, beautiful continent, with wealth and poverty, peace and strife, success and tragedy. When Africa becomes a cause, we tend to see only one side of the continent - a helpless, dependent, starving side that "needs our help"."

I think that anyone who has been to Africa would certainly agree that this continent is so rich in so many ways, and it does it unjustice to reduce it to a cause...

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