Friday, February 17, 2006

Democracy Now! | Fmr. Israeli Foreign Minister Shlomo Ben Ami Debates Outspoken Professor Norman Finkelstein on Israel, the Palestinians, and the Peac

If you have even a cursory interest in middle east politics, this is a must listen (or less optimally, read). Not only will you hear, opinions contrary to what is often presented in the mainstream U.S. press but also will glean some important historical nuggests regarding the Israel-Palestinian peace talks.

Democracy Now! | Fmr. Israeli Foreign Minister Shlomo Ben Ami Debates Outspoken Professor Norman Finkelstein on Israel, the Palestinians, and the Peace Process: "What happens when a former Israeli Foreign Minister debates a scholar known as one of the world's foremost critics of Israeli policy? The answer is not what you may expect. We spend the hour with Shlomo Ben Ami, author of 'Scars of War, Wounds of Peace,' and Norman Finkelstein, author of 'Beyond Chutzpah'. They joined us in our firehouse studio for a wide-ranging exchange. We discussed the origins of the Israel-Palestinian conflict, to the Oslo Peace Process, right up to the present. [includes rush transcript]"

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I like the way Finkelstein uses international law almost exclusively to support his arguments. Ben-Ami's arguments are more relativistic.
S. A.

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