Sunday, May 23, 2010

Congo Pastor Loses 9 Out of 10 Children in War

MWESO, Congo (AP) -- First, the rebels killed four of Joseph Munyaneza's children in 1997. The family fled to another village.
The following year, that village came under siege. Another four children died of gunshot wounds. Then the baby, from malnutrition.
More than half a million children die each year in Congo, one out of every five before they reach the age of 5, according to the U.N. Children's Fund. Of those who survive, 40 percent are stunted, according to the World Health Organization. There is only one doctor and five nurses or midwives for every 10,000 people in the country.
And that's before factoring in deaths from war fueled by massive mineral resources that have brought misery instead of development. UNICEF estimates that children account for half of the more than 4 million deaths blamed on conflicts in east Congo that have raged for more than a decade.

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