Wednesday, March 16, 2005

Update from Nigeria

Hello from an internet cafe in Kano Nigeria! Just arrived in Kano with Devin today after a four hour ride from Jos.

First, internet access is nearly impossible. (Noter to self: Need to learn where Nigerian internet scammers are going for access). I am having a great time, seeing patients with severe disease who are very appreciate. For ex, today there was a patient who went from Hand motion vision to count finger vision after cataract surgery. She was just laughing and nearly dancing with joy at her new-found vision...hard to imagine similar scenario back home.

Of course seeing lots of tragic unnecessary blindness as well, e.g. 6 month old baby with measles and anterior staphyloma in one eye and dense leukoma (corneal scar) of the other eye. He underwent evisceration of the staphylomatous eye, and optical iridectomy in the other eye. This was all done under ketamine--no intubation. By the way the mother was advised to throw the baby from the bus and leave it to die as the father had died shortly after the baby's birth. But she related that "it was the fear of God" that made her keep the baby.

The ICU in the hospital is quite interesting--no running water and no ventilators! Saw a teen in ICU with probable cavernous sinus thrombosis--severly obtunded. No CT or MRI scanner available to confirm diagnosis. Abcess drained at bedside and on iv antibitics. (Thankfully iv antibiotics are available).

Saw another kid with massive hydrocephalus of unknown cause.

Overall, I am having a great time, with the only concern being for security.--Especially when driving and having to stop at numerous police checkpoints. Some of these are actually decoys for the bad guys to get you to stop so they can rob you.
Here is a link to an article about a boy who was shot on the compound last month and is now recovering in Minnesota...

Have to go--next time will try to post on great results from vesiculvaginal clinic....

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