Thursday, March 17, 2005

VVF Clinic

VVF Clinic-what is it?
It stands for vesiculo-vaginal fistula clinic. Young women often develop these fistulas here after prolonged labor. These are commonly childbrides... Due to the malodorous sequelae, they are then often released by their husband back to their parents. However, even there they may be shunned by the villagers. They are essentially outcasts of society. Nigeria has 9 vvf clinics, the most successful one is in Jos. After the corrective surgery they can stay at the hospital for as long as three months, during which time they undergo physical therapy. Laurie volunteers much of her time to help in the PT for these patients. They are very grateful to have this treatment. At the hospital in Jos they are also given vocational training, in areas such as sewing. There was apparently a big reunion of VVf patients along with their doctors and physical therapists the week before I came. I heard it was quite a celebration, replete with dancing and drumming. There were even financial sponsors who flew in from the States for the celebration!

I wish I could upload photos from here to show you the smiles of these grateful young women!

Today I did rounds in the 200 bed ECWA eye hospital in Kano and was in clinic thereafter. I saw incredibly advanced disease in all but 2 patients--many of these were kids. Tomorrow is a surgical day....Will write more about the eye disease later....

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