MENAWASHEI, Sudan, May 12 — It took three months for Fatouma
Moussa to collect enough firewood to justify a trip to sell it in the
market town of Shangil Tobayi, half a day's drive by truck from here.
It took just a few moments on Thursday for janjaweed militiamen, making
a mockery of the new cease-fire, to steal the $40 she had earned on the
trip and rape her.

Fatouma Moussa, 18, was raped by janjaweed militiamen as she returned
from selling firewood. They killed another woman, she said.

An infant, Menazir Abdullah Adam, was shot in the foot by Darfur militiamen.

Hanan Ahmed Hussein, 20, was shot in the leg last week by militiamen,
despite a new cease-fire. Her daughter, Menazir, 1, was shot in the
Speaking barely in a whisper, Ms. Moussa, who is 18, gave a spare account of her ordeal.
found janjaweed at Amer Jadid," she said, naming a village just a few
miles north of her own. "One woman was killed. I was raped."
Officially, the cease-fire in the Darfur region went into effect last Monday.
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