My good friend, Bassem Youssef, continues to hold the FBI's feet to the fire....
Bassem Youssef, a decorated FBI supervisor who was born in Egypt and speaks fluent Arabic, also said jealousy, discrimination and flawed directives hinder the FBI's attempts to fight terrorism.
"The FBI has publicly stated that expertise in working counterterrorism matters, and cultural understanding of the Middle East and the radical Islamic groups, as well as the language, are not necessary to run the counterterrorism division," said Youssef, speaking publicly for the first time on the subject Saturday at an American Library Association meeting.
The FBI named a career-long expert in terrorism to its top national security job yesterday as one of its own agents went public with allegations that the bureau still lacks the experience and skills needed to effectively combat terrorists.
Agent Bassem Youssef, a whistle-blower who alleged he was passed over for promotions after the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks, said in an interview with The Washington Post that counterterrorism agents and their managers still lack basic knowledge about Middle Eastern culture, Arabic language and terrorist mind-sets.
Youssef was among those inside the FBI to raise concerns. A decorated counterterrorism agent in the 1990s who was singled out for praise by then-FBI Director Louis J. Freeh, Youssef was passed over for promotions after the attacks on the World Trade Center and Pentagon and pursued a discrimination lawsuit.
As a result of Youssef's litigation, several of the bureau's top terrorism managers acknowledged in depositions that they had limited experience in terrorism or limited knowledge of Middle Eastern culture before taking their jobs. An internal investigation eventually substantiated Youssef's claims that the FBI retaliated against him.
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