This may put a dent in vacation plans--scheduled to go to Kibera and Kisumu in 3 days...Hmm...
Within the span of a week, one of the most developed, promising countries in Africa has turned into a starter kit for disaster. Tribal militias are roaming the countryside with rusty machetes, neighborhoods are pulling apart, and Kenya’s economy, one of the biggest on the continent, is unraveling — with fuel shortages rippling across East Africa because the roads in Kenya, a regional hub, are too dangerous to use. Roadblocks set up by armed men, something synonymous with anarchic Somalia, have cropped up across the country, in towns on the savannah and in the cramped slums.
The fighting is especially brutal in the Rift Valley, which is ethnically divided between tribes that support the president and tribes that back the opposition.
In Kiambaa, a village in the Rift Valley about a five-hour drive from Nairobi, the tensions boil down to Kalenjin, the biggest tribe in this area, and Luo, the tribe of Mr. Odinga, versus Kikuyu, Mr. Kibaki’s tribe.
It was Kikuyus who were burned to death on Tuesday in the Kenya Assemblies of God church. The church was simple, made of mud and sticks, and about the size of a tennis court.
The Kikuyu are Kenya’s biggest tribe at 22 percent of the population. They are concentrated in central Kenya, but because they were the tribe favored by the British during colonial times, they became the privileged class and branched out across the country, running shops, restaurants, banks and factories. In the Rift Valley, many Kikuyus have small businesses and farms.
Having mulled conditions in Kenya and your trip, I find a body block to my doctor totally justifiable! (Ref Checklist post) Problems seem to be potentially volatile on a widespread basis. Assuming an humanitarian aspect to your visit, will they be able to fully focus and creatively deal with what you have to offer? Of course, not going = tremendous disappointment on both sides. Take care, Pat-Tahoe
Thanks for your comments Pat. You are right the goals of the trip will be compromised as the schools/orphanges are in survival mode from what I understand. Safety issues are indeed decreasing. Yes, tremendous disappointment...but we will reschedule for later...
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